A lot has changed with NJCRIB.COM. As a user you will no longer need to use a login when using our Information Services (Formally known as “Data Searches”). Logins will only be necessary with our carrier base that submits/uploads carrier files (WCPOLS/WCSTAT), and file downloads (Current Rate Files, Exp. Rating Modification Files, and Plan Risk). For file downloads, user will have to re-register. Only Carrier user that submit/uploads files will continue to use their logins. We hope you will be pleasantly surprise with the ease of use in navigating throughout the site. Welcome to the new NJCRIB.COM.
We support the top four browsers currently in use today; FireFox 58.0+, Chrome 64.0+, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Also, this site has been designed to work on tablets and smartphones.
File Downloads
The latest Class Experience Downloads, for Carriers only